General FAQs

We're here to help. 

Here are some answers to our most  frequently asked questions about ReveliaDx.

Don't see what you're looking for? Email the team at [email protected]


Q: What is ReveliaDx? 

ReveliaDx is an innovative patient relationship management software that streamlines patient intake paperwork, allows you to trend patient objective AND subjective data over time, and displays it all to you in a format that helps you share that information with your patients.

This helps the patient understand your decisions and recommendations, generate more buy-in, and increase patient compliance; all while saving you time on intake and writing your notes. 


Security and Privacy

Q: Is ReveliaDx Secure? 

Yes, we have many safeguards in place to protect your patient data.

ReveliaDx acts as a Business Associate for covered entities and uses HIPAA-compliant solutions to safeguardprotected health information (PHI). 

We use the secured Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment to process, maintain, and store PHI.

Many healthcare providers, payers, and IT professionals are using AWS's utility-based cloud services to process, store, and transmit encrypted (at rest or in flight) protected health information (PHI).

Our ReveliaDx advisors and technology leaders have experience and strategy in place to build highly compliant platforms. Some of their experience includes working with Cleveland Clinic, Sutter Health, Institute of Functional Medicine, LivingMatrix, Medley Health, and Nestle Health Science.


Q: Can I create my own set of questions for patients? 

Yes, in addition to the intake forms we provide, you can create custom forms and assign them to your patients for all or some initial or follow-up visits.

You may also assign a custom form to an individual visit as needed for a single patient or for selected patients only. 

Q: How do I export the data from from the questionnaire forms? 

You can easily copy & paste the data directly into your EMR and edit directly in your notes. Or you can export the patient's answers from the forms to a downloadable, problem-based format that you can easily edit and track patient plans and progress. This will improve the efficiency of each visit and ensure that you do not miss any updates or forget prior history.  

Reports, Labs & Analyzing Data

Q: Can I trend patient's symptoms over time? 

Yes the Symptom Trend graph will trend the patient's symptoms over time. 

Q: Why are the symptoms broken down into Intensity & Frequency? 

There is a separate graph for intensity and frequency so you can detect more subtle changes in the intensity and frequency regarding a particular symptom. 

Q: What data does the Areas of Focus graph contain? 

You may analyze the answers from the forms only in the Areas of Focus graph. In addition, you can analyze the patient's lab and create a separate graph with the analysis of both the patient's answers and the labs.  


Q: Can write on and modify the education materials?

Yes! Highlight, make notes, or otherwise mark up the PDFs before saving and sharing with your patient. 


Q: Can I upload my own education materials?

Yes, you can upload pdfs, documents or images to your education library.  You will be able to use these during your appointments to highlight or mark-up for a better education experience. 

Q: Can my practice share their education documents with other providers in my practice? 

Yes, when you upload an education handout, you can either choose for it to be private to you as an individual provider, or shared with the other providers in your practice.     


Q: Can I save a plan as a template to use again? 

Yes, you can save your plans to use as templates for future visits or to use with future patients.


Medications & Supplements

Q: How do I recommend medications and supplements to patients? 

The patient will upload their supplement and medication usage during their intake process.The provider can then edit this table directly with new recommendations.

At the following visit, the patient can edit this table making note of any changes.

This is to ensure the provider always has a clearly updated medication and supplement list from which to make the most appropriate clinical decisions. 



Q: Are you integrated into EMRs? 

We are not currently integrated into EMRs but plan to be very soon. We have created a convenient data export function (copy and paste)  to streamline the intake process to your EMR.

Please send any future integration requests to our team at [email protected]